Elgon White Bleach Decolor 50 G
ELGONWhite Bleach is a non-volatile powder, with strong lifting power, mixed with an oxidant it turns into a uniform soft cream that can, through its action,
- Bleach up to 7 shades
- Be suitable for any bleaching method
Any lifting technique.
Prepare the customer by spreading the barrier cream along the faces outline before starting the service. Put on disposable gloves, and then
Mix the bleach with Oxi-Cream using only the amounts indicated in the table on the package
Apply carefully to dry hair, avoiding any contact with the scalp
Maximum processing time 40 minutes
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This formulation provides perfect adhesion of the product to the hair while giving greater conditioning action. The hair is lifted, not damaged, easy to comb out and recolor.
White Bleach is also a part of Decolor, the line for bleaching and obtaining any shade from blonde to platinum while fully respecting the hair fibre.